A statement by CORA’s board of directors in response to the availability of COVID-19 vaccines and the mitigation of COVID-19 exposure risks during outrigger group or crew activities:

- CORA supports the recommendations of the Public Health Agency of Canada regarding the health benefits of vaccination in preventing severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19 and its variants.
- CORA supports the full vaccination of those recommended to get the vaccine by federal, provincial and territorial public health authorities.
- As paddlers gather and train together in physically close environments, Member Clubs have a duty to protect their members and enhance the safety of their training environment. As a result, CORA supports full vaccination of those participating in outrigger group or crew activities for the safety of their members and to mitigate the risk of future infection events at Member Clubs and in our communities at large.
- In order to achieve the above, the CORA board strongly encourages Member Clubs to consider amending their COVID-19 policies to require full vaccination of those participating in outrigger group or crew activities, accounting for demographics, location and relevant specific vulnerabilities with respect to COVID-19. CORA also recommends the continued implementation of longstanding risk mitigation measures such as physical distancing and the use of masks where physical distancing cannot be maintained.
- Member Clubs continue to be bound by the Orders of applicable provincial and territorial public health authorities in respect of all gatherings, events and activities.