27 crews participated in FGPC’s 13.5km Brotchie Reach crew boat races on Saturday 4 May. Aside from a start-line huli, a mid-race bridge lift for a barge, and the inevitable ferry and aircraft traffic, the day ran smoothly and presented all crews with competitive race conditions on unusually calm seas. Safe racing is a tribute to the calibre and good sportsmanship of all participating crews. Special acknowledgement is due to Maple Bay’s mixed outrigger crew for recovering from a crowded start-line huli and completing the race like professionals. And kudos, as always, to all steerspeople for navigating Victoria’s complex working harbour without incident. Open water races within Victoria’s commercial harbour and busy aerodrome would not be possible without the diligence and good instincts of every steersperson on the water. Well done, one and all!
CLICK HERE for race results.