Next up on the CORA Race Schedule is March 7/8 weekend with PNWORCA / CORA Winter Series Race #5 small boat race hosted by False Creek on Saturday and Kan-U-Hakit OC6 Sprints hosted by Fairway Gorge on Sunday.
PNWORCA/CORA Winter Series Race #5 will have a long course (9-14 km) and a short course (4-6 km) small boat race based on conditions on scenic English Bay in Vancouver. All craft will start at the same time for both the long and the short course but OC1s and V1s may have a slightly different start line.

Open to OC1, OC2, Single Surfski, Double Surfski, SUP, and V1. All paddlers will put in at Vanier Park and the race will start and finish off the dock at the Coast Guard station. You MUST wear a PFD.
See also PNWORCA Winter Series Race #5 – Hosted by False Creek Racing Canoe Club and FCRCC Facebook WS#5.

Join False Creek Racing Canoe Club for Race #5 in the PNWORCA 2020 Winter Series. All smallboats welcome. There is a long course of approximately 9-14 km and a short course of approximately 4-6 km. This is the 5th of 7 races in the Winter Series, with the first 5 place finishers in each division earning points for end of season awards. Here is the next opportunity for OC1 Masters paddlers to increase their standings for the Peter Forand Masters Challenge Memorial Trophy.
Race fee – $20 Canadian adults or $10 paddlers 19 and under (USD taken at par). For non-PaddleSport paddlers, CORA registration (for insurance purposes) is required. The CORA day fee is $15, annual fee is $30. Annual CORA membership can be registered online but we will also have forms on site, fee to be paid at that time. Please pay CASH on race day. Registration at 9:30AM.
Coffee and snacks, samosas served after the race. Awards:
- First Place Overall OC1 Female: Bottle of wine or mickey of spirits
- First Place Overall OC1 Male: Bottle of wine or mickey of spirits
- First Place Overall Surfski Female: Bottle of wine or mickey of spirits
- First Place Overall Surfski Male: Bottle of wine or mickey of spirits
- All Other Divisions First Places: Bottle of beer – except Juniors who get root beer
Please Pre-register to assist with knowing how many prizes, how much food and drinks are needed, etc. It will also make registration quicker: Pre-Registration now open CLICK HERE